Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Florence Crittenton Services
1300 Blythe Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28203
Please join us as we ring in the holiday season with an open house and our annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony.
9:00 am – 5:00 pm: Open House (Agency tours, Lunch & Learn, Holiday Treats)
11:00 am: An overview of services provided by the Mecklenburg Mobile Crisis Team (CriSyS) and the use of these services during the holiday months when many are experiencing depression, grief/loss, substance abuse issues, and a host of other stressors.
5:30 pm: Dinner
6:00 pm: Welcome by Diane Thompson, CEO
6:15 pm: Tree Lighting and Caroling
7:00 pm: Desserts and Special Visit from Santa Claus
To RSVP, contact Michelle Smith
704-372-4663 or
What is Shop for GOOD? Did you know there is a fun, easy way to make a difference in Charlotte that you can do from anywhere, at any time, that fits any budget? SHARE Charlotte’s Give Shop® is an online marketplace that brings together hundreds of Charlotte nonprofits’ Amazon wish lists, making it simple for our community to “shop for good”!
Seasonally, SHARE rallies our community to support nonprofits through Shop for GOOD promotions that feature the items that Charlotte nonprofits need to run their business and programs. Items are shipped directly to nonprofits’ doors, and donors know exactly where their money is going – that’s a win, win.
“Shop for GOOD: Winter is Coming Edition”, presented by Bank of America, features nonprofit needs including those related to preparing for Winter such as coats, clothing, food, can openers, or everyday items such as toilet paper and trashbags. Promotion dates are Sunday, Oct 6 – Friday, Oct 11.
Take a look at the wish list for Florence Crittenton Services here. By participating in Shop for GOOD, you help to supply us with the essential tools we need to provide health and hope to adolescents, women, and their families. Thank you for choosing to #shopforgoodclt!