Phone 704-372-4663



Crittenton offers 3 unique residential programs for women and teenage girls in need. If you or your client needs help, please contact the Admissions Coordinator, Alina at 704-372-4663 or to see if we have a program for you! Please leave a voicemail or send an email and we will get back to you.

We serve:


– Pregnant women of any age in need of residential services

– Young mothers and their babies who are both in DSS custody

– Girls ages 16-20 in DSS custody

A glimpse at our services:

  • A safe and healthy place to live
  • 24/7 residential staff
  • Regular, Nutritious Meals
  • Access to Health and Prenatal Care
  • Access to Mental Healthcare and Therapy
  • Individual and Group Counseling
  • Parenting Classes
  • Early Childhood Development Education
  • Independent Living Skills classes
  • Substance Use Disorder Awareness
  • Mentoring/Tutoring
  • Substance abuse support
  • Vocational and Educational Programs
  • Family reunification
  • Follow-up programs

Getting Started

If you or a client is interested in receiving help from Crittenton, begin by contacting the Admissions Coordinator, Alina, at 704-372-4663 or You will be asked some questions to help us get to know you better and determine if you would be a good fit for one of our programs.

Once you have been approved, we will set an admissions date and time. If you are under 18 years of age, the admissions date will be agreed upon between you, a legal guardian, staff and cooperating agencies involved.

You are welcome to visit Crittenton before being admitted! Visiting is a great way to determine if you would like to join our program and ask any questions you may have. You can also schedule a virtual visit.

Making Financial Arrangements

Maternity Program

After you have been approved for the Maternity Program by the Admissions Coordinator, the next step is to apply for State Maternity Home Funds through the Department of Social Services in your home county or through a North Carolina state-licensed adoption agency. The Admissions Coordinator will walk you through this process. Funding is dependent on a client’s need for services.

Clients must also apply for Medicaid or private insurance prior to admission. Crittenton does not provide healthcare services; we remove barriers to access. Therefore, all extra fees will be your financial responsibility.

Foster Care

If you are in the custody of the NC Department of Social Services, your stay will be covered by foster care funds paid through your county. Please have your social worker or guardian contact Crittenton to begin this process. 

If you are interested in Sarah’s House, both mother and baby must be in DSS custody.

At the time of admission, a contract that outlines financial responsibilities must be agreed upon and signed by adult clients or a guardian if you are a minor. If you are in DSS custody, you must be accompanied by a DSS staff member.

What to Expect

During your time at Crittenton you will have access to numerous resources and support from staff. We will work with you individually to help you identify and pursue your goals and to create a stable housing plan for when you eventually transition to living independently. 

Staff is available 24/7 to help you and we work with several community partners that provide access to vocational training, job opportunities, parenting/ birthing classes, and fun activities.

Check out stories from past clients to hear more about their experience.


Interested? Have Questions?

Contact Alina Bejenari at or 704-372-4663 for more information.

Check out our frequently asked questions.