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Kelly, 17: Family Matters

Kelly, age 17, was admitted into Florence Crittenton Services (FCS) after becoming pregnant during a very difficult time in her life.  She had dropped out of high school and was running away on a regular basis.  Kelly and her mother were arguing daily, and her mother was constantly besieged with the pressure of trying to raise Kelly and her two other children by herself.
Kelly’s father had been convicted of sexually abusing her when she was 14.  Her family unraveled after this horrible trauma.  She stopped listening to her mother, was angry, hurt and started to act out by becoming promiscuous.  Kelly’s mother felt overwhelmed and unable to help her daughter, subsequently making FCS a uniquely perfect place for their family.

FCS was able to support Kelly, and allow them to work through their challenges as a family.  While at FCS, Kelly was incredibly successful.  She worked as a housekeeper and participated in all programming.  She attended parenting and GED classes and passed both in flying colors.

The father of baby was also a teenager and was ill prepared for parenthood.  He too was able to attend parenting classes at FCS and to learn his role as the father.  Kelly’s story is an excellent example of how FCS is able to work within a support system in order to gain the greatest outcomes.

Due to her mother working a full time job along with a subsidy that the family receives from her father’s imprisonment, Kelly’s family was unable to receive State Maternity Funds.  This combined income put the family right above the poverty line and were therefore ineligible for state funding, leaving FCS to find other means of payment for services.  Kelly’s mother, incredibly grateful for FCS, attempted to help every month by providing a financial contribution, an incredibly challenging feat for Kelly’s mother.

At the end of her stay at FCS, Kelly left with a healthy baby, a stronger relationship with her mother, and confidence towards parenting.  She also obtained her GED and had secured a job.  Kelly and her mother are so grateful for the skills she was able to gain while living here, as well as the promise of a bright future.

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