Phone 704-372-4663

Story #82

A poem written by a former resident regarding our lovely FCS rose garden.

Just one rose given
Says you’re special
You’re in my prayers

Just one rose given
Says you’re not alone
I’m here, for you I care

Just one rose given
Says don’t give up,
Because I haven’t given up on you

Just one rose given
Says and means
More than you ever knew

Just one rose given
Changes the outlook
Of one’s day

It brings a smile
It brings joy
It bring gratitude
And so we say…

Thank you
For thinking of us
Some of us need
More people like you

Thank you
For our own piece of heaven
A garden
In full bloom

Thank you for
Being there for us
Even though we couldn’t see

You were like
The wizard of oz
A puppeteer pulling

Thank you
For your dedication
And everything
That you do

Thank you
For this
Beautiful rose garden

But mostly Mrs. Lib
We thank God
Every day for you